Investor's zone

Szanowni Inwestorzy! Drodzy Państwo!

We invite you to Łomża - a city open to business.
The attractive location at a distance of 140 km from Warsaw as well as the north - eastern borders of Poland and eastern European Union borders next to the VIA BALTICA route creates excellent opportunities for producers and exporters..
Łomża’s location within the so-called Green Lungs of Poland promotes the development of food processing, construction and furniture industries.
Łomża is a city of modern and innovative companies. Local entrepreneurs are leaders in innovation and export within the region.
The Łomża Industrial Park and Business Incubator provides excellent conditions to set up new businesses in the city.
We have prepared a unique offer of 220 ha investment areas in the Łomża Investment Zone. These are not only investment areas, well-connected and equipped with necessary media, but also a system of incentives. Łomża offers the most favorable investment conditions, in the form of exemption from income tax up to 70% of the investment outlays for 15 years within the Polish Investment Zone. In addition, the city offers the property tax exemption up to 6 years for companies investing in the city and creating new jobs.
We create a friendly atmosphere for investors and local entrepreneurs. This is a platform for dialogue between the administration and business during Thursday business breakfasts and the economic competition "Łomża Angels of Business" appreciating local entrepreneurs.
Professional support at every stage of the investment process is provided by the Entrepreneur


Assistance Center in the City Hall of Łomża.
You are invited to invest in Łomża!
I am convinced that Łomża is the best place for your investment.


Mayor of the City of Łomża
Mariusz Chrzanowski